He attacked the Spanish port of Cadiz, which is now called the singeing of the king of Spain’s beard this was a major setback in Spain’s preparation for the armada
What treaty did king Philip see as an invasion on Spain which led to the invasion of England?
Treaty of Nonsuch
What did Elizabeth do once she was aware of Spain’s invasion?
in 1587, she sent Francis Drake to spy on Spanish preparations and attack their ships and supplies
Why did Francis Drake attack the Cadiz port instead of anywhere else?
it wasn’t well defended as there were fewer naval ships anchored there but the port was the centre for a large number of naval supplies which Drake intended to seize or destroy
What did Elizabeth do with the naval supplies that Francis Drake seized?
used it to improve her defence
What was the impact on the raid on Cadiz?
Delayed Phillip’s plan to invade by more than a year as he had to obtain fresh supplies and weapons which were very expensive