Features of memory

Cards (34)

  • What is memory?
    The ability to store and retrieve information.
  • What are the three features of memory?
    Capacity, duration, coding
  • What is capacity?
    A measure of how much can be held in memory
  • What is duration?
    A measure of how long a memory lasts before it is no longer available
  • What is coding?
    The way information is changed so that it can be stored in memory
  • What is the research for Capacity of short term memory?
    Jacobs (1887)
  • What is the aim of Jacobs capacity STM?
    To investigate how much information can be held in the short term memory
  • What is the Procedure of Jacobs capacity study?
    Lab experiment
    Serial digit span
    sequence of letters or digits followed by serial recall test
    pace of presentation was in 1/2 second intervals
    initial sequence was 3 items, which increased by a single item until the participant consistently failed to reproduce the correct sequence
  • What are the findings of Jacobs capacity study?
    The average digit span was 9.3 and the average letter span was 7.3
    LIMITED in capacity
    between 5-9 items
  • What is the research for capacity of long term memory?
    Linton (1952)
  • What did Linton's research conclude about capacity of the LTM?
    Capacity of the LTM is UNLIMITED
  • AO3- Strength of Jacobs capacity study- high control
    E-Jacobs study is a laboratory study so the variables are highly controlled,
    E/L-therefore, this increases the replicability of the study
  • AO3- Limitation of Jacobs capacity study- research methods flawed
    E-Because it is a lab study, it becomes so controlled the material becomes artificial and the environment is unnatural
    E/L-Therefore, this suggests that the study lacks generalisability, and lacks ecological validity. Can't relate findings to everyday life
  • AO3- Another strength- Supporting evidence for Jacobs capacity study
    E- Miller (1956) conducted a meta analysis and reported that the capacity of STM to be 7 +/- 2 chunks. if you chunk numbers together they become easier to remember
    E/L- Therefore, this suggests that it backs up Jacobs study into STM capacity making it more reliable
  • What is the research into duration of short term memory?
    Peterson & Peterson (1959)
  • What is the aim of Peterson & Peterson's study into duration of STM?
    To study how long information remains in short-term memory
  • What is the procedure of Peterson & Peterson's study into duration of STM?
    Laboratory experiment
    24 participants - nonsense trigrams consisting of three consonants
    Recall of trigrams after a delay of 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds
    (between recall and presentation they were asked to count backwards in threes from a random 3 digit number- distracter task)
    Recall had to be 100% accurate
  • What are the findings of Peterson & Peterson's studying into duration of STM?
    There was a rapid increase in forgetting as time delay increased
    3 seconds= 80% recall correctly
    6 seconds= 50%
    18 seconds= 3%
    LIMITED duration of 18 seconds
  • What is the research into duration of long term memory?
    Bahrick et al (1975)
  • What is the aim of Bahrick's study into duration of long term memory?
    investigate how long information stays in the long term memory
  • What is the procedure of Bahrick's study into duration of long term memory?
    Field study
    392 participants aged 17-74
    recall names of their classmates in 4 conditions
  • What are the 4 recall conditions of Bahrick's study of duration of long term memory?
    condition 1- Free recall of classmates names
    condition 2- Participants shown 50 yearbook photos and asked to identify which were their classmates
    condition 3- Recognise their classmates names from a list of 50 names
    condition 4- Matching classmates to their photos
  • What are the findings of Bahrick's study of duration of long term memory?
    Free recall- 60% after 15 years, 30% after 48 years
    Photo recall- 90% after 15 years, 70% after 48 years
    Free recall was worst, having things to aid us helped
    UNLIMITED duration
  • What is the study of coding of short term memory?
    Baddeley (1966)
  • What is the study of coding of short term memory?
    Baddeley (1966)
  • What is the aim of Baddeley's study of coding in STM & LTM?
    To test whether acoustic encoding is used in short term memory
    To test whether semantic encoding is used in long term memory
  • What is the procedure of Baddeley's study of coding in STM & LTM?
    Laboratory experiment - 4 types of word lists
    Condition 1- Acoustically similar words
    Condition 2- Semantically similar words
    Condition 3- Acoustically dissimilar words
    Condition 4- Semantically dissimilar words
    IV= type of words DV= number of substitution errors
    Participants either asked to recall immediately (STM), or delayed 20 minutes (LTM)
  • What are the findings of Baddeley's study of coding in STM & LTM?
    With immediate recall (STM) there were more substitution errors on the acoustically similar lists than acoustically dissimilar - NO difference in semantic words
    With delayed recall (LTM) there were more substitution errors on the semantically similar lists than semantically dissimilar - NO difference in acoustic words
  • AO3- Strength of Jacobs study is that it has sound methodology
    E- It is a lab experiment= replication checks the results to ensure the results are not just a one off, also very controlled variables
    E/L- Therefore this suggests that, this suggests that Jacob's study is a valid test of digit span in STM- research methods knowledge
  • AO3- Limitation is that there is contradicting research of Millers research
    E- Cowan reviewed other research of STM and concluded is only about 4 chunks
    E/L- Therefore, this suggests that because there's not so many chunks Jacob's could have overestimated the STM capacity, undermining research in this area
  • AO3- Research methods flawed of Peterson & Peterson's duration
    E- nonsense trigrams aren't everyday materials that we need to remember
    E/L- Therefore, this suggests that the study lacks ecological validity and can't be generalised to everyday settings
  • AO3- Research methodology is sound- Bahrick
    E- Conducted by investigating meaningful memories using yearbooks, peoples names and faces
    E/L- Therefore, this suggests that the study has higher external validity as behaviour is more authentic and genuine it can be generalised to everyday ife
  • AO3- Limitation of Baddeley's study- research methodology flawed
    E- Artificial stimuli, word lists of acoustically similar/ semantically similar. no personal meaning
    E/L- Therefore this suggests that the study lacks ecological validity as it can't be generalised from a lab to real world undermining research into this area
  • AO3- Limitation of Baddeley's study- suffers with machine reductionism
    E- too simplistic like a computer and ignores emotion
    E/L- reducing internal validity of the study