Introduction to World Religions and Belief System

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  • Elements of Spirituality
    Understanding spirituality involves instinct, intuition, love for others, and a sense of serenity.
  • Monotheism
    Belief in one God (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Judaism).
  • Religion
    Comes from the Latin term religare, meaning "to bind together."
  • Polytheism
    Belief in multiple gods (e.g., Ancient Greeks, Hindus).
  • Animism
    Belief that all things possess a spiritual essence.
  • Monism
    The idea that there is no distinction between God and the universe.
  • Atheism
    Denial of the existence of a supreme being or deity.
  • Karl Marx
    Religion is the "opium of the masses" and a tool used by the elite to suppress societal
  • Sigmund Freud
    Religion is an expression of unconscious desires and fears, particularly tied to the family and authority figures.
  • Emile Durkheim
    Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, which fosters social cohesion.
  • Judaism
    Belief in one all-powerful God (Yahweh).
  • The Covenant
    Abraham’s agreement to follow God, highlighted by his willingness to
    sacrifice Isaac.
  • Relegere
    “Constantly return to.”, speaks about religious observances.
  • Religion
    An action or conduct indicating belief in, obedience to, and reverence for a God, Gods, or similar superhuman power, the performance of religious rites or observances.
  • Religare
    “To be tied into.”, speaks about commitment.
  • Re-eligere
    “To choose again.”, refers to conversion.
  • Friedrich Schleiermacher
    “The feeling of absolute dependence.”
  • Rudolf Otto
    Grows out of, and gives expression to, experience of the holy in its various aspects.
  • Mysterium Tremendum
    Appropriate expression. Sweeping like a gentle tide;
    pervading the mind with a tranquil mood of deepest worship.
  • Paul Tillich
    “Ultimate concern for the ground of being.”
  • William James
    “The feeling, acts, and experiences of individual people in their solitude as they stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine.”
  • Victor Frankl
    “Function of the spiritual unconscious, which is the source of the will to
  • Theology
    The study or discourse about God/s.
    Greek word: “Theos” — “Deity” or “God” ; “Logos” — “Word” or “Discourse”
  • Spirituality
    Non-material dimension of man; Latin word
    “Spiritus” — “Breath” Greek words: “Pneuma” — “Breath” & “Psyche” — “Soul”
  • Belief
    A mental state; a disposition or attitude toward a particular thing, people, place, or event. Does not need empirical evidence.
  • Deism
    Does not believe in numerical views.
    There is a higher being who created the universe, but does not intervene in human affairs.
  • Pantheism
    Everything is God.
  • Panentheism
    Everything is in God.
  • Agnosticism
    One cannot prove nor disprove the existence of higher beings or Gods.
  • Monism
    There is no distinction between God and the universe.
  • Christianity
    Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, including concepts of salvation
    and love.
  • Islam
    Derived from the Qur'an, with Sharia law guiding societal justice.
  • Moksha (Hinduism)
    Liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
  • Nirvana (Buddhism)
    Achieving spiritual enlightenment.
  • Judaism
    One of the 3 Abrahamic faiths; Monotheistic religion.
  • Menorah
    7 Candles symbolizing the days of creation; 9 for Hanukkah Menorah.
  • Star of David
    12 sides symbolizing the tribes of Israel, all for the 12 sons of Jacob.
  • Tanakh
    Hebrew Bible; Given to Moses in Mt. Sinai; 613 laws; 24 books divided into 3.
  • Torah
    Sacred text of Judaism
  • Nevi’im
    About the prophets.