Cards (9)

  • Investigator effects:
    • Researcher unconsciously conveys to participants how they should behave (researcher bias)
    • Example: Leading questions
  • Demand Characteristics:
    • All the clues in the study which convey the purpose / aim of it to the participants
    • Can change the results of the experiment if participants change their behaviour to conform to expectations
  • SCREW-U effect
    • Acting how they think experimenter does not want them to act so underperform
  • PLEASE-U effect:
    • Acting how they think the experimenter wants them to act - overperform
  • Social Desirability Bias:
    • People answer in ways that will make them seem good in the eyes of others
  • How to reduce demand characteristics:
    • Don't tell them the aim
    • Study participants at the same time
    • Ensure study takes the shortest amount of time as possible
  • Mundane Realism:
    • How similar the materials and procedures involved in an experiment are similar to real world events
  • Experimental Realism:
    • Extent to which a controlled study is meaningful / engaging to participants (respond naturally / spontaneously)
  • Researcher bias:
    • Influence of the results of the study on whether or not the study is published
    • Studies which fail to reject the null hypothesis are less likely to be published than those that produce a statistically significant result