Cards (11)

  • A biological approach to explaining SZ such as a genetic basis assumes that SZ is inevitable or biologically determined. Potentially making sufferers feel disempowered when diagnosed. Other more psychological approaches such as the cognitive approach has a soft deterministic perspective suggesting that mental processes can be altered or managed via free will to control the disorder
  • A fully holistic explanation of SZ would consider the diathesis stress approach in which the root cause of the disorder is a biological weakness however an environmental stressor triggers the disorder
  • Who conducted a study that show risk increases with genetic similarity to a family member with SZ?
  • Who conducted adoption studies that show biological children of SZ parents are at heightened risk even if they grow up in an adoptive family?
  • What is one application of the genetic explanation?
    Genetic counselling. If one or more potential parents have a relative with SZ they risk having a child who would go on to develop the condition. However it is just an average figure and not deterministic
  • The genetic explanation may be incomplete
    Concordance rate, even in MZ twins is not 100% meaning there will also be environmental influences
  • Gottesman: concordance rate for MZ twins?
    48 %
  • Gottesman: concordance rate for DZ twins?
    17 %
  • Evidence of environmental influences?
    67 % with SZ report at least one childhood trauma
  • Strength of enlarged ventricle explanation?
    Research has high reliability due to use of high tech equipment like MRI and PET scans. These take accurate readings of brain regions. Suggests that it would have high test retest reliability
  • What is a weakness of the ventricle explanation?
    Enlarged ventricles only associated with negative symptoms. Therefore incomplete explanation