Why was weymouth a good example- provides a good example of regeneration on a measurable scale ( within a day)
why was weymouth a suitable location- areas of regenerated and unregenerated in the past 20 years. near where we stayed on the field trip (easily accessable)
date collection method 1- questionnaire- attitudes towards regeneration.
data method 1 questionaire- random ( remove bias) sample size 1 per person
data collection method 1 questionaire- justification- provides peoples views
regeneration and its positive and negative impacts
Data collection method 1 questionaire- strengths-
simple and easy to understand
helps collect peoples veiws quickly.
data collection method 1 questionaire- weakness
not everyone stops so sample age biased
some people may not fully understand the question limited sample size
data collection method 2- environmental quality survey (eqs)
sampling method- 1 per group at each site- randomly selecting where to do survey removes bias = more accuracy
data collection method 2 environmental survey- description of method
completed eqs for each site making judgments about the impact of urban regeneration 12 categories assessed from -3 to 3
data collection method 2 environmental quality survey - justification- provides an overview of the impact of regeneration on the environment of the 2 sample sites (brewers quay and pavilion) quantitative result so can compare
date collection method 2 environmental quality - strengths
provides an overview of the environmental impact
compare individual and total scores for each site
averages reduce the impact of outliars
date collection method 2- environmental quality survey- weaknesses-
subjective- biased opinions
only visisted 2 sites
urban regeneration in weymouth risks- traffic being hit by a car- mitigated by crossing roads together in a line while being supervised by teachers
urban regeneration in weymouth risks- working in the town centre means you could get lost- worked in small groups and had eachothers phone numbers
data collection method 3- pedestrian count
sampling method- systematic
sample size- 1 person at each location
data collection method 3- pedistrain count
description of method-
counting the number of people at each site ( paviallan and brewers quay)
data collection method 3 pedistrain count strengths
simple and easy to do collect data easily
data collection method 3 pedistrian coun weakness
limited sample size only (5 minutes in one location)
may have mis counted or counted twice
data collection method 3 pedestrian count justifcation
shows wether regenerated areas are busier then non
combined group scores and calculated a mean for each site
data presentation methods- method 1 - barcharts/ piecharts (questionaires)
data representation method 1 pie charts and bar charts strengths
useful for comparing things between different groups
put them next to eachother and can compare easily
quite visual- helps identify similarities and differences
data representing method 1 pie charts and bar charts weaknesses
quite simplistic
required people to make visual comparisons- subjective opinions
data representing method 2 - bi-polar diagram (using eqs data)
group average is provided which reduces the impact of outliars
summary of diagram is visual- easy to see main differences between 2 sites
size of shaded areas make easier to compare
data representing method 2 bi polar diagram EQS WEAKNESSESS
interpretation of diagram is subjective- based on people making a visual interpretation
data presentation method 3- flowline map pedestrian count
quick and easy to make visual way to compare
data representation method 3 flow line map pedestrian count
subjective scale is used to quite small so difficult to show differences between locations
could have presented the environmental quality survey on bar charts