Multi-store model

Cards (23)

  • what is the order of the multi-store model?
    encode->SM->attention->STM-><-maintenance rehearsal ->transfer->->retrieval ->LTM
  • what is the
    for sensory memory?
    1-2 seconds
  • what is the
    for short term memory?
    15-30 seconds
    7+/- 2 units
  • what is the
    for long term memory?
  • what was Crowder (1993) study suggest about coding in the SR?
    the SR retains info in the iconic store for a thew miliseconds but for 2-3 seconds in the echoic store so supports how its encoded with our senses
  • what did Sperling (1960) suggest about the capacity of SR
    the capacity is very large
    asked participants to recall letters on a grid which was show for one twentieth of a second no matter the row indicated all rows were recalled
  • what did Javitt et al (1966)report about the capacity of SR?
    theres a biological basis as the capacity of the ionic ans echoic stores was found to be related to the efficiency of the nervous system which suggests there are individual differences in SR capacity
  • what did Treisman (1964) suggest about the duration of SR?
    the echoic store has a limited duration of 2 seconds when he played identical audio into both the ears of the participant but one audio was slightly delayed it was found that participants recognised the audio was the same when the audio was 2 seconds appart. also shows each store has an individual duration time
  • Alan Baddeley (1966)- what was investigated?
    to see whether coding in STM and LTM is mainly acoustic or semantic
  • what was the procedure - Alan Baddeley (1966)
    1)75 participants presented with one of four word lists repeated 4 times
    2)to test STM coding the list was given back but in the wrong order participants had to put it into the correct order
    3)to test LTM it was the same but with a 20 min distraction task to prevent rehearsal
  • what were the 4 lists -Alan Baddeley (1966)
    1 Acoustically similar words
    2 Acoustically dissimilar words
    3 Semantically similar words
    4 Semantically dissimilar words
  • What were the findings - Alan Baddeley (1966)
    . for STM list 1 was performed the worst (recall of 10%) confused similar sounding words
    . for LTM list 3 was performed the worst(recall of 55%)confused similar sounding words
  • What were the conclusions - Alan Baddeley (1966)
    . STM, theres acoustic confusion so STM is coded on an acoustic basis
    . LTM, theres semantic confusion so LTM is coded on a semantic basis
  • what is the evaluation- Alan Baddeley (1966)
    . small difference in recall between semantically similar and dissimilar lists suggests there semantic coding in the STM
    . labatory study ,could lack ecological validity ,it can be replicated to check results
  • what did Posner & Keele (1967) suggest about coding in STM?
    visual coding was used in STM so there are other types of coding in STM
    found that A followed by A was faster in knowing it was the same letter than Aa as the visual code differs
  • What is chunking?
    seperating large groups of data into smaller pieces to make it easier to remember
  • what did Miller(1956) find about capacity in STM?
    the capacity was between 5-9 items
    but the chunk was the basic unit of STM this means 5-9 chunks can be held at any one time increasing the stores capacity
  • What did Peterson and Peterson(1959) suggest about the duration of STM?
    STM duration has a capacity of between 20 - 30 seconds
    read nonsense trigrams which participant recalled after 3 and 18 seconds (had to count back in 3s to prevent rehearsal)
  • What did Frost(1972) suggest about coding in LTM?
    there is visual aswell as semantic coding in the LTM
    gave participants 16 drawings in 4 catagories how participants recalled the order suggested the coding
  • What did Wagenaar (1986) suggest about the capacity of LTM?
    its capacity is large
    created a diary of 2400 events over 6 years and tested himself on recall of events and found he had excellent recall
  • What did Bahrick et al (1975) suggest about LTM duration?
    long lasting
    400 participants aged 17-74 were given aset of photos and names some being ex-school mates
    when asked to identify them participants who had left school in the last 15 years recalled 90% those who left 48 years ago recalled 80%
  • What did Goldman & Seamon (1992)suggest about duration in LTM?
    duration for olfactory information in LTM is very long lasting
    participants had to identify odours experienced in the last 2 years and some not since chiloodhood - there was significant recall in chiloodhood odours
  • What are limitations of the multi-store model?
    . the multi-store model ignores individual differences (some people have better memories)
    . the model relies on experimental research(lacks ecological validity)
    . the view on STM is too simplistic( needs to be more active and directed towards different tasks)
    . the view on LTM is too simplistic(suggests is one big store but LTM can be found in other parts of the brain)