Cards (20)

  • What is the origin of the Pectoralis major muscle?
    Clavicle, sternum, and upper six costal cartilages
  • Where does the Pectoralis major muscle insert?
    Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
  • What is the nerve supply for the Pectoralis major muscle?
    Medial and lateral pectoral nerves from brachial plexus
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Pectoralis major muscle?
    C5, 6, 7, 8; T1
  • What action does the Pectoralis major muscle perform?
    Adducts arm and rotates it medially; clavicular fibers also flex arm
  • What is the origin of the Pectoralis minor muscle?
    3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs
  • Where does the Pectoralis minor muscle insert?
    Coracoid process of scapula
  • What is the nerve supply for the Pectoralis minor muscle?
    Medial pectoral nerve from brachial plexus
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Pectoralis minor muscle?
    C6, 7, 8
  • What action does the Pectoralis minor muscle perform?
    Depresses point of shoulder; if the scapula is fixed, it elevates the ribs of origin
  • What is the origin of the Subclavius muscle?
    1st costal cartilage
  • Where does the Subclavius muscle insert?
  • What is the nerve supply for the Subclavius muscle?
    Nerve to subclavius from upper trunk of brachial plexus
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Subclavius muscle?
    C5, 6
  • What action does the Subclavius muscle perform?
    Depresses the clavicle and steadies this bone during movements of the shoulder girdle
  • What is the origin of the Serratus anterior muscle?

    Upper eight ribs
  • Where does the Serratus anterior muscle insert?
    Medial border and inferior angle of scapula
  • What is the nerve supply for the Serratus anterior muscle?
    Long thoracic nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Serratus anterior muscle?
    C5, 6, 7
  • What action does the Serratus anterior muscle perform?
    Draws the scapula forward around the thoracic wall; rotates scapula