Cell reproduction

Cards (10)

  • What type of reproduction is this?
  • What type of reproduction is this?
  • What type of reproduction is this?
  • What type of reproduction is this?
  • What are the advantages of asexual reporduction?

    • It’s faster
    • A large # of offspring are produced
    • The parent doesn’t need to find a mate
  • What are the disadvantages of asexual reporduction?
    • All offspring are identical (no genetic variation).
    • greatly reduced ability to adapt to a changing enviornment.
  • What are the advantages of sexual reproduction?
    -All offspring are genetically different from eachother (genetic variation)
  • What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
    • Parent must find mate
    • Fewer offspring produced
    • Takes longer (slower process)
  • Sexual reproduction involves the gameates (the sex cells: egg and sperm, fertilization (union of sperm and egg cell), and the zygote (the fertilized egg)
  • Why is genetic variation so important?
    Genetic variation is important because without it, a species could easily be wiped out by one thing (If it wipes out one of the species, it can likely wipe out all since they are all genetically identical). Genetic variation helps the species as a whole survive longer.