reliability + validity

Cards (12)

  • What is external validity?
    Being able to generalize skills from one thing to another
  • Why is population validity important in research?
    It assesses whether findings can be generalized to other groups of people besides those who participated in the study
  • What does internal validity refer to?
    Whether a test assesses what it needs to assess
  • What is face validity?

    It refers to whether the items on a test look like they are assessing what the researcher intends to assess
  • What does construct validity assess?
    Whether a test assesses the underlying concepts or constructs
  • How is concurrent validity established?
    By comparing performance on a new test with a previously validated test on the same topic
  • What does criterion validity refer to?
    It refers to the extent that test scores can predict future behavior or attitude
  • what is internal reliability?

    measure of whether "something" is consistent within itself
  • what is inter-rater reliability?
    how consistent researchers are with one another
  • what is test retest?

    the same psychological test is given to the same participants on two occasions to see whether the same result is obtained
  • what is split-half reliability?
    method-test items are split into two halves and the scores on both halves are compared
  • what is external reliability?
    a measure of whether something varies from one time to another