Role of Evolution and Natural Selection

Cards (3)

  • Evolution
    • Evolve by natural selection, organisms best adapted to environment pass on their genes; traits more/less common
    • Successive mutations with some adaptive advantage that come to dominate gene pool
    • Evolutionary psychologists argue brain and mind evolve much like body
    • Some aspects behaviour aspects + cognition result from evolution; served a purpose in ancestral past, so are ‘hardwired’ into brains
  • Evolved Aggression
    • Aggression had survival/reproductive value
    • Physically larger + stronger males more likely successful hunters
    • Providing better for mates and offspring
    • More aggressive males
    • Less threatened by others after resources
    • More likely chosen or chose ‘best’ themselves
    • Competition genetically engineered aggression into male brain
    • Conversely, women less aggressive
    • Spend long time pregnant, breastfeeding
    • Care for young, vulnerable children
    • Conflict/hunting would not be conducive to survival of mother or children
  • Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)
    • Conditions species adapted to environment
    • Evolutionary psychologists study fossil records for EEA
    • Speculate adaptive behaviours, then compare to modern-day behaviour to see genetic determination
    • Certain behaviors, like parental investment, mate selection, and emotional responses; may have been beneficial in past but less so now:
    • Predisposition to calorie-dense food, useful as foragers, now leads to obesity
    • ‘fight or flight’, useful in danger, modern stressors trigger too frequently, cause stress, anxiety + depression