Cards (5)

  • breadth
    amount of topics
  • depth
    how deep you will give to a given topic
    how personal you get on a given subject
  • Social penetration theory
    Altman & Taylor (1973) said that SPT is focused on how relationships develop
    It's a gradual process of revealing personal information to a potential partner
    It involves a reciprocal exchange of personal information between partners
    As more is disclosed, partners 'penetrate' more deeply into the other's life and gain a greater understanding of each other
  • Reis and Shaver (1988)
    Reciprocity and self-disclosure
    for a relationship to develop and increase in breadth and depth, there needs to be a reciprocal element to disclosure

    when you disclose something you hope your partner will respond in a way thats rewarding and understanding and they will share their own disclosure

    this leads to a balance of self-disclosure between both partners which leads to increased feelings of intimacy and a more successful romantic relationship
  • self disclosure
    revealing intimate aspects of yourself to others