gender (psychology)

    Cards (58)

    • what is sex?
      the biological and physiological state of being male, female or intersex, it's determined by our DNA
    • what is gender?
      a psychological and cultural experience, gender is not binary like sex and can change over time
    • who are the Guevedoces?
      a small community in the Dominican Republic where some males are born looking like girls and only grow penises at puberty
    • what causes Guevedoces to be born looking like girls?

      they are deficient in the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase
    • what role does the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase play in male development?
      it converts testosterone into dihydro-testosterone, which is crucial for penis development
    • at what point in development does the tubercle turn into a penis normally?
      around 8 weeks after conception
    • what happens at puberty for Guevedoces?
      they get a second surge of testosterone that triggers the physical aspects of being male
    • how has the revelation of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase impacted medical treatments?
      it has led to the development of drugs like Finasteride, which blocks the enzyme
    • what conditions can Finasteride be used to treat?
      enlargement of the prostate and male pattern baldness
    • what are sex role stereotypes?
      a set of characteristics and behaviours that are expected of different genders/sexes by society
    • examples of sex role stereotypes
      men are: competitive, strong, play with weapons, aggressive
      women are: domestic, emotional, nurturing, caring
    • where do sex role stereotypes come from?
      family, religion, adverts, schools, tv shows, etc.
    • example of sex stereotypes in the media
      an ad from Philadelphia was banned for portraying a harmful stereotype of men, presenting them as careless with their baby due to being distracted by/ prioritising food
    • describe Urbergs (1982) study into sex role stereotypes
      • told kids aged 3-7 yrs stories that stressed sex-role stereotypical characteristics e.g. bravery or caring
      • after each story the kids were asked whether it described a boy, girl or both
      • responses favoured sex role stereotypes
      • tendency for kids to attribute positive characteristics with their sex and negative ones with the opposite sex (peaks at 5yrs)
      • older kids showed an increasing tendency to see characteristics as both
      • results imply kids learn sex-role stereotypes at an early age, but they can change over time
    • what was the focus of Seavy et al's (1975) study?

      the study focused on sex-role stereotypes
    • how many adults participated in Seavy et al's (1975) study?

      60 adults participated in the study
    • what were the three types of toys present in the room during Seavy's study?

      a ball (male toy), a doll (female toy), and a plastic ring (unisex toy) were present
    • what behaviour did both male and female adults exhibit when they were told the baby was a girl in Seavy's study?

      both male and female adults gave the baby a doll when they were told it was a girl
    • what was the tendency of adults when they believed the baby was a boy in Seavy's study?
      adults were more likely to give the baby a unisex toy if they thought it was a boy
    • how did female adults behave when the baby's gender was unknown?
      they handled the baby more when its gender was unknown
    • what did both genders try to assess when the baby's gender was unknown?
      both genders tried to assess the baby's gender based on its perceived strength
    • what does Seavy et al's (1975) study suggest about adult reactions to babies based on perceived gender?
      • both males and females react differently to babies based on the gender they believe the baby to be
      • gender perceptions influence the type of toys given to babies
    • strengths of studies into sex roles
      • it has practical application, may help us advise teachers in schools and nurseries on how to reduce them, benefits society
      • the methodology of both studies, they operationalised their dependent variable, makes the study more replicable and therefore more reliable
    • weaknesses of sex-role stereotype studies
      • Seavy's study may be unethical, didn't tell them the aim and lied about the babies gender, breaks BPS guidelines on deception, means the study can't be repeated so not reliable
      • unclear whether the results of the study are due to nature or nurture, universally stereotypes are similar, means their may be a biological reason, means there's low validity as we can't be sure their conclusions are correct
    • what is androgyny?
      when a person has a balanced mixture of typically 'masculine' and typically 'feminine' traits
    • is androgyny seen as a positive concept?
      yes, as they posses the strengths of both genders and adapt their use of the traits according to the demands of a particular situation and they are thought to be less affected by gender role stereotypes and are therefore less likely to behave in a gender typical way
    • what is the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)?
      • it's a measure of androgyny
      • developed by Sandra Bem in 1974
      • from a list of 200 stereotyped traits she got people to pick the 20 most desirable traits for women and 20 for men, then added 20 neutral items herself
      • participants then rate themselves for the 60 questions on a 7 point Likert scale
      • they then use the median of the group to assign a value to the 4 outcomes: androgynous, masculine, feminine, undifferentiated
    • role of chromosomes in sex and gender
      • made from DNA
      • 46 chromosomes in humans, 23 pairs, the last pair (23rd) determines gender
      • female chromosomal structure = XX
      • male chromosomal structure = XY
    • role of chromosomes in sex and gender
      • eggs carry the X chromosome
      • sperm carries an X or Y chromosome
      • the Y chromosome carries a gene called the 'sex-determining region Y' (SRY), which causes testes to develop in an XY embryo, the testes then produce androgens (male sex hormones)
    • the role of hormones in sex and gender (testosterone)
      • male hormone, but present in women in small quantities
      • controls the development of male sex organs during foetal development
      • if a genetic female produces high levels of testosterone during foetal development, male sex organs may appear
      • from the androgen group, mainly produced in the male testes, small amounts produced in female ovaries
      • associated with aggressiveness by the evolutionary explanation that aggression allowed males to hunt and compete for a fertile mate
    • the role of hormones in sex and gender (oestrogen)
      • primary female hormone, plays a role in the menstrual cycle
      • determines female sexual characteristics and mensuration
      • oestrogen causes some women to experience heightened emotionality and irritability during the menstrual cycle
      • this is referred to as premenstrual tension (PMT) or premenstural syndrome (PMS) when these effects become a diagnoseable disorder
    • the role of hormones in sex and gender (oxytocin)
      • women typically produce more oxytocin in much larger amounts than men, particularly as a result of giving birth
      • oxytocin stimulates lactation, allowing mothers to breastfeed
      • it reduces the stress hormone cortisol and facilitates bonding, for this reason it's referred to as the 'love hormone'
      • its released in massive quantities during labour and after labour and makes mothers feel 'in love' with their babies
    • the role of hormones in sex and gender (oxytocin)
      • the fact men produce less oxytocin previously fueled stereotypes they're less interested in intimacy and closeness
      • but evidence suggests both sexes produce similar amounts during amours activities such as kissing and sexual intercourse
    • animal research on testosterone
      • Young (1966)
      • gave male hormones, including testosterone, to female mice and female hormones to male mice
      • the effect was an irreversible change in usual gender-related behaviours
      • suggests hormones like testosterone have a key role in determining gender behaviour
      • testosterone may alter the sexually dimphoric nucleus (SDN) in the brain, as male rats had a larger SDN than females
    • human study on testosterone
      • Money and Ehrardt (1972)
      • reported on a sample of girls whose mothers took drugs containing testosterone during pregnancy
      • the girls exhibited male-type behvaiours, e.g. playing energetic sports and an absence of female-type behaviours, like playing with dolls
      • this suggests that testosterone has a strong influence on gender behaviour
    • animal study into oxytocin
      • Van Leengoed et al (1987)
      • injected an antagonist of oxytocin into female rats shortly after birth to inhibit oxytocin production
      • mothers treated in this way showed a delay in maternal behaviours such as picking up and grooming their pups
      • when the effects wore off normal maternal behaviour was seen
      • supports the idea oxytocin is involved in the promotion of maternal behaviour
    • human research into oestrogen
      • Alonso & Rosenfield (2002)
      • reported that oestrogen is necessary for the normal development of body areas and tissues, like the neuroendocrine-gonadal axis, associated with puberty in males and females
      • supports the idea that oestrogen is associated with the transformation into being sexually active and able, not just in females but also males
    • gender schema theory
      • cognitive theory of gender development
      • from 2 a child can label themselves as a boy or girl, this motivates them to seek out same sex behaviours
      • then children start to put together gender schemas of what 'girls are like' and vice versa
      • they actively seek out and sort information that they observe into boy and girl categories
      • they then start to understand gender specific behaviour
    • gender schema theory (2-3 yrs old)
      • they start searching their environment for ideas that fit with their basic schemas and ignoring behaviour that doesn't fit their schema
      • e.g. notices a boy playing with a truck and that he's wearing trousers but doesn't notice the boy playing with a tea set
      • this then directs their behaviour
      • gender specific behaviour starts at this age whereas Kohlberg's theory says it starts at 7
    • gender schema theory (4-6yrs old)
      • schemas become more complex with a wider range of behaviours and personality traits
      • schemas are now heavily stereotyped
      • their schema for their own gender (ingroup) is much more complex and developed than their schema for the other gender (outgroup)
      • children favouring their ingroup is a way to feel a sense of belonging and helps them to develop positive self-esteem and confidence