Psychology: Approaches - Behaviourist approach

Cards (15)

  • What are the assumptions of the Behaviourist approach?
    • All behaviour is learned
    • All behaviour can be unlearned
    • Both abnormal and normal behaviour are learned in the same way
  • What are the advantages of the behaviourist approach
    • Scientific credibility
    -Uses controlled methods
    -Lab setting = easier to replicate
    • Real life applications
    -Token economies used in prisons and psych wards
  • What are the negatives of the behaviourist approach
    • Ignores processes
    -Focus on stimulus and response
    • Environmental determinism
    -Says all behaviour is caused by experience, ignores free will
    • Ethical issues with animal experiments
    -Starving animals to make them hungry
    -Results also may not apply to humans
  • What are the bases of the behaviourist approach?
    • Watson and other theorists rejected introspection for it's subjectivity
    • Behaviourist approach has more control and objectivity
    • Animals replaced humans as experimental subjects
  • Classical Conditioning 

    -Involuntary responses and behaviours resulting from experiences + a response = association
    -Supporting study - Pavlovs Dogs (1902)
  • Evaluation
    +Scientific credibility
    >controlled methods
    >lab setting = easy to replicate
    +Real life application
    >token economies in prisons and
    psych wards
    -Ignores process
    >focus on stimulus and response
    -Environmental determinism
    >says all behaviour is caused by
    experience, ignores free will and
    biological factors
    -Ethical issues with animal
    >starving rats to make them
    >may not apply to humans
  • Operant conditioning 

    -Voluntary behaviour shaped by consequences
    -Link between behaviour and consequences
    -Supporting study = Skinners box
    -Positive/Negative reinforcement/punishment
    • positive reinforcement = giving something good = chance of behaviour increases
    • negative punishment = taking something bad = chance of behaviour increases
    • positive punishment = giving something bad = chance of behaviour decreases
    • negative punishment = taking something good = chance of behaviour decreases
  • Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
    Causes natural / automatic response
  • Unconditioned response (UCR)
    Natural / automatic response
  • Neutral stimulus (NS)

    Causes no natural / automatic response
  • Conditioned Stimilus

    Learned - causes response
  • Conditioned response 

    Learned response
  • Little Albert study (1920)
    • Find out if CC could create fear
    • Check NS is neutral (fluffy animals) to Albert
    • Check UCS causes UCR (banging pole causes fear) in Albert
    • Bang pole when Albert is in presence of fluffy animals
    • Give fluffy animals to Albert
    • Observe if Albert produces fear response
    • Albert showed fear towards fluffy animals, extended to fluffy blankets, etc
    • Classical Conditioning can be used to create fear in humans
    Ethical issues-
    • Human subject used
    • Child was an orphan
    • Possible long term effects
    • No consent given
    • Lack of regulation
  • Skinners box
    • Pigeons made hungry
    • Put in box
    • Each time they peck disk = reward
    • Pigeons learn that pecking disk = reward, so continued
    • Pigeons can learn to respond to a stimulus