Influence of early attachment on later relationships

Cards (18)

  • What is the continuity hypothesis?
    • Based on the internal working model
    • There is consistency between early emotional experiences and later relationships
    • Sees children's attachment types being reflected in later relationships
  • How does the internal working model act as a template for future relationships?
    A baby whose first experience is of a loving relationship and a reliable attachment figure will assume this is how relationships are meant to be. So will seek out functional relationships and act functional within them
    Complete opposite for a child with bad experiences of their first attachment figure
  • How might an Insecure Avoidant person act within a relationship?
    • Distant
    • Emotionally not as close
    • Uninvolved
  • How might and Insecure Resistant person act within a relationship?
    • Controlling
    • Argumentative
  • Relationships in Childhood:
    Closely associated with the quality of peer relationships in childhood
  • Relationships in childhood: Research
    Kerns (1994) - Securely attached infants form the best quality relationships in childhood, whereas insecurely attached go on to have difficulty forming friendships
  • Describe the research of Myron Wilson and Smith into relationships in childhood:
    • 196 children aged 7 - 11 from London
    • Assessed using standard questionnaires about attachment type
  • What were the results of Myron Wilson and Smith research?
    • Securely attached - unlikely to be involved in bullying
    • Insecure avoidant - most likely to be victims
    • Insecure resistant - Most likely to be bullies
  • Which researchers carried out the love quiz experiment?
    Hazan and Shaver
  • What was the aim of Hazan and Shaver's research?
    They wanted to see if there was a correlation between the infant's attachment type and their future approach to romantic relationships
  • What was the procedure to Hazan and Shaver's research?
    • Devised a 'love quiz' to asses 3 components:
    -Attachment type
    -Respondent's current and most important relationship
    -General love experiences
    • Quiz printed in local newspaper and readers were asked to send in response
    • 620 replies from ages between 14 - 82
    • Classified respondents according to secure, insecure avoidant, and insecure resistant attachment types
  • Results from Hazan and Shaver's research:
    Found a high correlation between child attachment types and their adult romantic love styles:
    • 56% securely attached
    • 25% insecure avoidant
    • 19% insecure resistant
    Secure were the most likely to have good and longer romantic relationships, avoidant tended to be jealous and feared intimacy
  • Conclusions of Hazan and Shaver's research:
    • Evidence to support the internal working model having a life long effect
    • They did admit that not everyone stayed true to their infant attachment style and changed as they got older
  • Limitation - Internal working model:
    • Internal working models are unconscious so we are not directly aware of their influence on us
    • People can only self report what they are aware of
    • Relying on the conscious awareness of those relationships
    • Social desirability bias
  • Limitation - Conflicting evidence:
    Zimmerman (2000):
    • Assessed infant attachment types and adolescent attachment to parents
    • There was very little relationship between the quality of both attachment types
  • Limitation - Retrospective
    • Many studies assessed the quality of infant parent attachment using self report techniques years later
    • May lead to inaccurate recollection
    • Relies on respondents being honest - Social desirability bias
  • Limitation - Confounding Variables
    Other variables such as temperament may affect both infant attachment and the quality of later relationships
  • Limitation - Too deterministic
    • Research suggests very early experiences have a permeant effect on later adult experiences
    • Deterministic
    • Overall research does not suggest that a persons past determines the future cause of their relationships