
Cards (10)

  • hydrophilic
    associating with water easily (water-loving)
  • hydrophobic
    water repelling (water- hating)
  • fatty acids
    molecule consisting of a fatty (hydrocarbon) chain and an acid (carboxyl- COOH) group
  • glycerol
    a 3 carbon (alcohol) molecule. forms the basis of lipids when fatty acids are bonded to it
  • triglycerides
    a molecule consisting of a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid molecules covalently bonded together. type of lipid
  • phospholipid
    a molecule consisting of a glycerol molecule, 2 fatty acid molecules bonded together and a phosphate group covalently bonded together. forms the basis of cell membranes
  • ester bond

    bond when fatty acid molecules are joined together to glycerol molecules in condensation reactions
  • lipids are macromolecules because they arent made up of repeating monomers
  • difference between fats and oils
    -fats are solids at room temperature whereas oils are liquids at room temperature
  • lipids as good energy stores

    -more energy stored in less space
    -more energy dense
    -fats are insoluble- dont affect water potential
    -broken down
    -role in protection and insulation