Ethical issues

Cards (7)

  • What are the six key issues when dealing with psychological research?
    • Informed consent
    • Deception
    • Confidentiality
    • Right to withdraw
    • Protection from harm
    • Debrief
  • How to deal with informed consent?
    Participants should be given enough information about the investigation to make a considered decision of whether or not to take part.
  • How to deal with deception?
    • Information should not be withheld from participants during an investigation.
    • Participants should not be given false information or be misled throughout the study.
  • How to deal with confidentiality?
    • Participant data should not be disclosed to anyone unless agreed in advance with participants. 
    • For data to be anonymous names should not be taken, instead participants may be given numbers.
    • Confidential data can be traced back to names so should be kept solely by the researchers.
  • How to deal with right to withdraw?
    • Participants must be aware that they can leave the study at any point if they choose to do so. 
    • Participants should be told after the investigation during debrief that they can have their results removed from the investigation. 
  • How to deal with protection from harm?
    • Participants should leave the study in exactly the same state as they entered. 
    • Researchers have a duty to protect participants from physical and psychological harm. 
    • Risk of harm should be no greater than in ordinary life
  • How to deal with debriefing?
    • Relevant details of the study should be explained to participants before and after the study takes place.
    • Essential if deception has been used.