Presentation of data

Cards (7)

  • When are bar charts used?
    Used when data is divided into different categories – this is called discrete data. Discrete means “separate” or “distinct”
  • What must bar charts include?
    • Gaps between each bar
    • Labels on both axes
    • A title
  • When are histograms used?
    Used when data is continuous. This means the data is on a continuum, and anyone can fit anywhere on the continuum. Examples of continuous data are temperature, time and weight. 
  • What must histograms include?
    • Bars that touch (because they are related to each other)
    • Labels on both axes (the Y axis is always frequency)
    • A title
  • What are correlations?
    Correlations tell you about the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. They are displayed using a scatter graph.
  • What must scatter graphs have?
    • Each axis is a variable
    • Each dot is one measurement (usually one person in psychological research)
    • Labels on both axes
    • A title that starts with  “The relationship between…”
  • What are the three types of correlation?
    • Positive
    • Negative
    • No correlation