Experiment types

Cards (9)

  • What are the four types of experiment?
    • Lab
    • Field
    • Natural
    • Quasi
  • What is a lab experiment?
    • Conducted in a highly controlled environment
    • Independent variable is manipulated
  • What is a field experiment?
    • Conducted in a natural setting
    • Independent variable is manipulated
  • What is a natural experiment?
    • Independent variable changes naturally
    • Dependent variable and setting may be natural or in a lab
  • What is a quasi experiment?
    • Independent variable based on an existing difference between people e.g. age or gender
    • Effect on dependent variable recorded
  • Evaluation of Lab experiments:
    +High internal validity (control over confounding and extraneous variables, cause and effect shown)
    +Replication more possible (support for findings)
    -Low external validity (generalisability, lacks realism)
    -Low internal validity (demand characteristics)
  • Evaluation for Field experiments:
    +Higher external validity (more authentic / real)
    -Lower internal validity (less control)
    -Ethical issues (consent not possible)
  • Evaluation of Natural experiments:
    +Only option for practical and ethical issues (e.g. Romanian orphan study)
    +High external validity (real world problems)
    -Limited opportunities
    -No random allocation
    -Low realism in a lab
    -No manipulation of independent variable (can't claim cause and effect)
  • Evaluation of Quasi experiment:
    If in lab:
    +Same as lab
    -Same as lab
    -can't randomly allocate (confounding variables)