A03 strength + counter - supporting evidence (Moscovi results/lacks ecological validity)
P- There is supporting research evidence.
E-Moscovici found that more participants agreed that the tile was green if the confederates consistently said that the tiles were green (8.42%). In comparison, to when they were inconsistent (1.25%).
E-Furthermore, Wood et al. (1994) carried out a meta-analysis if similar studies which all produced similar results.
L-Therefore, this adds credibility to the consistency explanation of minority influence
C-However, there is some criticism as the supporting evidence lacks ecological validity.
E- For Example, convincing people of the colour of a tile is not the same as examples of minority influence in real-life e.g., the Gay Rights movement/ the Suffragettes or even jury decision-making where the consequences are much more important.
E- Furthermore, in lab-based studies the minority and majority group is simple a case of numbers, whereas in real-life there is usually a power imbalance between the majority and minority.
L- Therefore, this means it is limited in its application to real-life examples of consistency in minority influence and we cannot be confident that it plays the same role.