Cards (26)

  • What is the origin of the Deltoid muscle?
    Lateral third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
  • Where does the Deltoid muscle insert?
    Middle of lateral surface of shaft of humerus
  • What is the nerve supply for the Deltoid muscle?
    Axillary nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Deltoid muscle?
    C5, 6
  • What actions does the Deltoid muscle perform?
    Abducts arm; anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm; posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate arm
  • What is the origin of the Supraspinatus muscle?
    Supraspinous fossa of scapula
  • Where does the Supraspinatus muscle insert?
    Greater tuberosity of humerus; capsule of shoulder joint
  • What is the nerve supply for the Supraspinatus muscle?
    Suprascapular nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Supraspinatus muscle?
    C4, 5, 6
  • What action does the Supraspinatus muscle perform?
    Abducts arm and stabilizes shoulder joint
  • What is the origin of the Infraspinatus muscle?
    Infraspinous fossa of scapula
  • Where does the Infraspinatus muscle insert?
    Greater tuberosity of humerus; capsule of shoulder joint
  • What is the nerve supply for the Infraspinatus muscle?
    Suprascapular nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Infraspinatus muscle?
    (C4), 5, 6
  • What action does the Infraspinatus muscle perform?
    Laterally rotates arm and stabilizes shoulder joint
  • What is the origin of the Teres major muscle?
    Lower third of lateral border of scapula
  • Where does the Teres major muscle insert?
    Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus
  • What is the nerve supply for the Teres major muscle?
    Lower subscapular nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Teres major muscle?
    C6, 7
  • What actions does the Teres major muscle perform?
    Medially rotates and adducts arm and stabilizes shoulder joint
  • What is the origin of the Teres minor muscle?
    Upper two thirds of lateral border of scapula
  • Where does the Teres minor muscle insert?
    Greater tuberosity of humerus; capsule of shoulder joint
  • What is the nerve supply for the Teres minor muscle?
    Axillary nerve
  • What are the nerve roots associated with the Teres minor muscle?
    (C4), C5, 6
  • What action does the Teres minor muscle perform?
    Laterally rotates arm and stabilizes shoulder joint
  • What is the origin of the Subscapularis muscle?
    Subscapular fossa