Biological drawing

Cards (9)

  • How much of the page should be covered by the drawing
    50% of the page
  • What should be drawn for low magnification drawing
    No cells with single lines to represent membranes
  • Only draw what you see not what you think you should see
  • What should be drawn for high magnification
    A few cells adjacent all with fully complete lines
  • How to calibrate a eyepiece reticle
    Using a stage micrometer line up the eyepiece reticle with it and measure how many of the markings it takes to get to 1mm for low magnification and between two of the small markings on the micrometer
  • How to measure a cell
    Once the eyepiece reticle is calibrated aline the reticle with the cell at the longest point and count the amount of markings the cell is long and use the measurements from the micrometer to calculate the real length
  • What should always be added to the drawing
    Annotations and labels
    A scale bar
  • What does a scale bar show
    The length in mm that = a length in the relevant unit
  • How to draw the scale bar
    Use a number if the 5x tables for the unit it displays such as 50nm
    Measured the length(from the longest point) of the cell drawing
    Use image/actual to calculate the images magnification
    The Use a suitable amount and unit such as 10nm and times it by the magnification
    Convert this into mm and then draw a line that length with a ruler