the number of times someone can carry out our research or make a diagnosis in exactly the same way as us. it can be achieved through standardisation and inter observer reliability
a theory is a collection of general principles that explain observations and facts- they help us to predict behaviours and natural phenomena around us.
what is the inductive model?
hypothesis are made and then tested to make a theory
what is the deductive model?
theory is proposed and then tested to through hypothesis
a good theory must be able to generate testable explanations- these are stated in the form of a hypothesis
a hypothesis should be able to be proved as being wrong in science
a hypothesis should be able to be proved as being wrong in science
science is a constantly evolving process and falsifiability refers to being able to prove a hypothesis wrong
a paradigm is where a science has a unified set of assumptions and methods
a paradigm shift is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. this usually happens when new facts or information comes to light