Cards (5)

  • Scotland Act 1998, Wales Act 1998 and Northern Ireland Act 1998

    set up elected devolved assemblies/parliaments in these countries
  • what is another example of devolution?

  • What is devolution?

    the decentralisation of power
    • Westminster is where most parliamentary and political power is held
    • with devolution, the power is spread across the UK to deal with more local, regional issues that are not always recognised and power is broken down
  • what are the strengths of devolution?
    • worked well in Scotland and Wales and the number of devolved powers has increased
    • popular support for devolution has also increased
    • some people argue that a devolved parliament is what stopped the complete separation of Scotland from the UK in the 2014 Independence Referendum
    • In NI, the devolved assembly helped bring an end to ‘the Troubles’, despite being problematic
  • what are the weaknesses of devolution?
    • devolution had not succeeded everywhere; NI policy disagreements and a scandal over a failed renewable energy scheme meant the Assembly was suspended from Jan 2017 to Jan 2020
    • support for devolution in England has not increased; 2004 proposal to create a North East regional assembly was rejected by 78% of voters