Cards (8)

  • Taylor (2010)

    evidence supporting filter theory
    suggested that people are more likely to marry into the same ethnic group
    which shows support for the social demographic that we're attracted to those who are culturally similar to us
  • Kerchoff & Davis
    chose an 18 month cut-off point to distinguish between short term and long term relationships
    they assumed that partners who had been together longer than this were more committed and had a deeper relationship
  • Levinger (1974)

    pointed out that many studies have failed to replicate the original findings that formed the basis of filter theory
    He put this down to social changes over time and to the difficulties inherent in defining the depth of a relationship in terms of its length
  • 1) failure to replicate
    many studies have failed to replicate the original findings that formed the basis of filter theory
    Taylor (2010)
    Kerchoff & Davis
    Levinger (1974)
    this highlights the issues in applying filter theory even to other heterosexual couples in an individualistic culture, nevermind homosexual couples or relationships in collectivist cultures
  • Anderson et al (2003)

    found via a longitudinal study that cohabiting partners become more similar in their emotional response over time
    creating a phenomenon called emotional convergence
  • Davis & Rusbult (2001)

    discovered an attitude alignment effect in long term relationships
    Romantic partners over time bring their attitudes into line with each other's which suggests that similarity is an effect of initial attraction and not cause
  • 2) cause and effect
    filter theory suggests that people are initially attracted to each other because they're similar demographically and attitudinally
    evidence in the direction of casuality is wrong
    Anderson et al (2003)
    Davis & Rusbult (2001)
    These findings are not predicted by filter theory
  • 3) temporal validity
    the rise of online dating has changed the process of beginning a romantic relationship

    it's reduced the importance of social demographic variables
    for example: age, income, education level

    Technology in respect to online dating apps (Tinder) have made meeting potential partners easier than ever to the extent where we might purse a date with someone outside our usual demographic limits than what would have existed 30 years ago
    For example: different cultures or social class

    therefore this shows that the progression of technology over time has impacted the social norms of dating which would not traditionally be conventional thus lacking temporal validity