Concerned with how much the findings can be generalised to setting beyond the study.
What is population validity?
The extent to which findings from the study can be generalised to other groups of people.
What is face validity?
Where a behaviour appears at first site to represent what is being measured.
What is internal validity?
Refers to the extent to which we can be sure that the findings of a study are due to what we say they are.
What is validity?
Refers to the extent to which a measure actually measures what it claims to be measuring.
What is concurrent validity?
Where performance on one measure correlates highly with performance on another measure of the same variable.
What is temporal validity?
Where findings from research that took place at a certain point in time accurately reflect the way that behaviour would occur at different points in time.
What affects internal validity?
Demand characteristics
Investigator effects.
What is ecological validity?
Whether data is generalisable to the real world, based on the conditions research is conducted under and procedures involved.