The idea that cultural norms and values are culture specific and no one culture is superior to another culture
What are the symptoms of phobias?
Behavioural: How you act
Panic: Crying, screaming, running away
Avoidance: Will avoid coming into contact with the phobic stimulus
What is the faikure to function adequately?
Are you unable to fulfil social occupational roles. eg causing observer discomfort, behaving unpredictably and showing maladaptive behaviour
What is deviation from ideal mental health?
Certain things that should be present for you to have ideal mental health
What are symptoms of phobias?
Cognitive: How you think
Irrational beliefs: beliefs and assumptions which has little basis in fact
Cognitive distortions: Perceptions of the phobic stimulus may be distorted
Selective attention: If a sufferer can see the phobic stimulus it is hard to look away from it
What are symptoms of phobias?
Emotional: How you feel
Anxiety: An unpleasant state of high arousal.
Emotional responses to phobic stimuli are disproportionate to the danger posed.
Anxiety tends to be long term
Fear is the immediate response we experience towards the phobic stimulus
What is statistical infrequency?
When a persons traits or behaviours are statistically rare. Some qualities of this abnormally is desirable such as a high IQ
What is deviation from social norms?
Individuals who violate a set of norms our society has. Eg. talking to yourself goes against our norms so may be seen as abnormal. Social norms vary with culture. Eg. amongst many tribal societies hearing voices is a sign of God