Subdecks (1)

Cards (4)

  • Types
    • Sensory:
    • Carry messages from sensory receptors (e.g. touch receptors) PNS to CNS
    • Long dendrites and short axons
    • Motor:
    • Carry messages from CNS, along PNS to effectors (e.g. muscles)
    • Short dendrites and long axons
    • Relay (or inter-neurons)
    • Connect sensory and motor neurons
    • Short dendrites and axons
    • Only in CNS
  • Synaptic Transmission
    • Chemical messages to adjacent neurons through synaptic gap/cleft (synapse)
    • Pre-synaptic sends, postsynaptic receives
    • Neurons release neurotransmitters; no single neuron releases all
    • Vesicles travel to terminal button's out membrane, fuse casing; neurotransmitters flood gap
    • Receptor sites (receptors) are specific, once detected, they absorb
    • Those not absorbed; destroyed by enzymes or reabsorbed pre-synaptic (reuptake)
    • Message received on dendrite, travels to soma
    • Neurons become charged after multiple transmissions
    • Generate small electric impulse at axon hillock