sampling techniques

Cards (22)

  • What is a random sample in research?
    Everybody in the target population has an equal chance of being selected.
  • Give an example of a random sampling method.

    Names drawn out of a hat or using a random number generator.
  • What is an opportunity sample?

    It uses participants who are available at the time.
  • Provide an example of an opportunity sample.

    Using people in the common room to take part.
  • What is a stratified sample?
    It identifies subgroups in proportion to the target population and then uses random sampling from those subgroups.
  • How does a systematic sample work?
    It uses every Nth person in the target population.
  • What is a volunteer sample?

    It advertises to the population and uses participants that come forward to take part.
  • What does it mean for a sample to be representative?

    It reflects the characteristics of the people in the target population.
  • What does generalisable mean in research?

    It refers to whether findings from the sample can be applied to the target population.
  • What does bias refer to in sampling?
    It refers to whether your sample is completely fairly selected.
  • What is random allocation in an experiment?

    It is the process of arranging participants into conditions of the experiment after selecting the sample.
  • What are the steps in random allocation?
    1. Number all participants.
    2. Put the numbers in a hat.
    3. The first number pulled out goes to Condition A.
    4. The next number goes to Condition B.
    5. Repeat until all participants are allocated.
  • What is a strength of random sampling?
    It is unbiased; all members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected.
  • What is a weakness of random sampling?
    It requires a list of everyone in the population and takes time to contact those selected.
  • What is a strength of opportunity sampling?
    It is the easiest method and reduces costs and time taken to find participants.
  • What is a weakness of opportunity sampling?
    It can produce bias as it draws from a small part of the population.
  • What is a strength of stratified sampling?
    It is the most representative method as the sample is proportionate to subgroups and random.
  • What is a weakness of stratified sampling?
    It is very time-consuming to identify subgroups and randomly select participants.
  • What is a strength of systematic sampling?
    It is unbiased, as participants are selected using an objective system.
  • What is a weakness of systematic sampling?
    It is not truly random unless you start with a random method for selecting the first participants.
  • What is a strength of volunteer sampling?

    It can provide a wide variety of people, making the sample more representative.
  • What is a weakness of volunteer sampling?
    It may be biased towards people who are motivated or confident, resulting in volunteer bias.