Origins of psychology

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  • Psychology
    The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those functions affecting behaviour in a given context.
  • Science
    A means of acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigations. The aim is to discover general laws.
  • Paradigm
    Consists of basic assumptions, way of thinking, and methods of study that are commonly accepted by members of a group (e.g. in the 1900's there was a psycho-dynamic paradigm)
  • Paradigm shift
    Psychology has evolved over time and each paradigm shift has led to psychology being more of a 'science'. Cognitive neuroscience is now the leading paradigm.
  • Key features of science
    • Objectivity (no bias)
    • Control
    • Repeatability / consistency
    • Hypothesis testing
    • Validity
    • Facts
    • Lab experiments
  • Validity

    Whether you are measuring what was intended. (Accuracy)
  • Reliability
    Could you repeat the study in the same way and get the same results? (Consistency)