learned through observation learning or modeling, copying the behaviour of others
what does it show the importance of when learning?
the importance of the environment and reinforcement in learning, as well as the important role that internal mental processes play in interpreting the environment and planning new actions
learning by watching the behaviour of others
we learn by observing and copying others within a social context. The way an individual copies the behaviour of a role model
the extent a person relates to a model and feels that she/he is like the model. research shows children are more likely to identify and learn from models who are like them, particularly same sex. Identification means someone is more likely to imitate their behaviour
people are more likely to imitate the behaviour of people with whom they identify(role models)
vicarious reinforcement
for indirect learning to take place, an individual observes the behaviour of others. May imitate, but generally imitation only occurs if the behaviour is seen to be rewarded rather than punished