top down aproach

Cards (27)

  • What does offender profiling provide?
    A description of possible characteristics of the criminal and predictions about future crimes
  • What types of characteristics are included in offender profiling?
    Social, mental, and physical characteristics
  • In what types of crimes is offender profiling primarily used?
    In murder and rape cases
  • What is a requirement for using offender profiling?
    There must be a pattern that can be evaluated
  • Which organization uses the top-down approach in offender profiling?
    The FBI in America
  • What does the top-down approach involve?
    The creation of general typologies of criminal behavior and motivation
  • What is the focus of the top-down approach?
    On the characteristics of the criminal
  • In what year did the FBI interview 36 serial killers?
  • What insights were gained from the interviews with serial killers?
    Motivation for the crime and early signs of criminality
  • What classification system was developed from the interviews with serial killers?
    A classification system for various types of murderers
  • What are the two types of murderers identified in the classification system?
    Organised and disorganised murderers
  • What characteristics define organised murderers?
    High IQ, socially competent, good job, in a relationship, and own a vehicle
  • What are the characteristics of disorganised murderers?
    Low IQ, socially incompetent, unskilled job, and little interest in media coverage
  • How does crime scene analysis help in offender profiling?

    It indicates which type of criminal the officers are looking for
  • Who was Aurthur Shawcross?

    A serial killer who committed murders in New York in the 1980s
  • What was the profile created for Aurthur Shawcross based on his crimes?
    A lone male aged at least 35 with an unskilled job and a police record
  • What does the case of Aurthur Shawcross demonstrate about the top-down approach?
    It shows the usefulness of this approach to profiling
  • What is a limitation of the top-down approach in offender profiling?
    It is limited to crimes that include a pattern of offences
  • What percentage of the time did Douglas find that this type of profiling led to a conviction?
  • What criticism did Canter et al. have regarding the classification of criminals?
    They argued that there are not just two types of criminals
  • How did Holmes and Holmes respond to Canter's criticism?
    They reclassified murderers into five categories
  • What did Canter argue about the power/control killer characteristics?
    They were present in at least 50% of killers and could not be a distinct category
  • What was a flaw in the methodology of the top-down approach?
    The sample size was very small and not random
  • Why can the testimonies of the interviewed serial killers be questioned?
    Because they were known to be manipulative
  • What issue arises from the lack of standardization in the interviews?
    It calls into question the validity and reliability of the conclusions
  • What is a potential problem with the classifications and typologies used in offender profiling?
    They are based on murderers who have been caught and may not apply to those who have not
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the top-down approach in offender profiling?
    • Provides a structured way to analyze criminal behavior
    • Can lead to useful insights in specific cases

    • Limited to crimes with a pattern
    • Low conviction rate (7%)
    • Methodology flaws and potential for oversimplification