Eysenck's theory

Cards (21)

  • Who proposed that criminals possess distinct personality characteristics?
  • What is the biological basis of the personality characteristics proposed by Eysenck?
    Differences in the nervous system between criminals and non-criminals
  • What are the three qualities that make up a criminal personality according to Eysenck?
    • Extraversion
    • Neuroticism
    • Psychoticism
  • How does an underactive nervous system influence criminal behavior according to Eysenck?

    It drives criminals to seek greater excitement and stimulation
  • Why are criminals not able to be conditioned in the same way as non-criminals?
    They are not easily put off by negative experiences
  • How do criminals respond to anti-social impulses compared to non-criminals?
    Criminals do not respond with anxiety, finding such experiences exciting
  • What does Eysenck suggest about the stability of criminal behavior?
    Criminals' behavior is more unstable and difficult to predict
  • What personality trait do criminals score highly on according to Eysenck?
  • What was the sample size of Eysenck and Eysenck's study on male prisoners?
    2070 male prisoners
  • How did the scores of prisoners compare to the control group in Eysenck's study?
    Prisoners recorded higher scores on measures of Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism
  • What does the presence of a control group in Eysenck's study indicate?
    It shows effort made for scientific rigor and improves the validity of results
  • What did Farrington et al. find regarding offenders' scores on personality measures?
    Offenders tended to score high on Psychoticism but not for Extraversion and Neuroticism
  • What does the lack of consistent differences in EEG measures suggest about Eysenck's theory?
    It casts doubt on the biological basis of Eysenck's theory
  • What should EEG data show if a faulty nervous system causes extraversion?
    Very different EEG data compared to introverts
  • How might Eysenck's theory assist in crime prevention strategies?
    • Identifying traits linked to criminal behavior in childhood
    • Modifying socialization experiences of high-risk individuals
    • Interventions based on parenting or early treatment for delinquency
  • What differences in personality scores have psychologists found among inmates of different ethnic backgrounds?
    Black and Hispanic inmates were more likely to have introvert personalities compared to white inmates
  • What does the finding of different personality scores among ethnic groups question about Eysenck's theory?
    It questions the universality or nomothetic application of Eysenck's theory
  • What is a limitation of the evidence supporting Eysenck's theory?
    All evidence relies on self-report measures of personality
  • What is a potential issue with the EPI as a self-report measure?
    It can be subject to social desirability bias
  • How does the mood of an individual affect the EPI results?
    Responses may vary due to the mood of the individual
  • What are the implications of social desirability bias on the research supporting Eysenck's theory?
    It lowers both the validity and reliability of the research