Unemployment and employment

Cards (6)

  • What is the unemployment equation
    Unemployed/active labour force x 100
  • What is the employment rate equation
    Employed/ population aged 16-64
  • Active labour force equation
    Employed + unemployed
  • Unemployed definition

    people who are over
    16, without a job, who
    have actively sought
    work in the last 4
    weeks, and who are
    available to work in
    the next 2 weeks
  • Employed definition
    people over
    the age of 16 who did more
    than 1 hour of paid work a
  • Inactive definition
    people not
    in employment who
    have not sought
    employment in the last
    4 weeks and/or are
    not available to start
    work in the next 2