Nature Vs Nurture

Cards (15)

  • What do Nativists argue causes our behaviour?
    Behavioural characteristics are innate - the result of hereditary.
    Our environment only plays a small part
  • What do Empiricists argue causes our behaviour?
    The mind is a blank slate at birth which is written on by learning and experience in the environment
    Biology only has a small effect in determining what we are capable of
  • What is the Heritability Coefficient?
    • A number between 0 - 1 which shows the extent that variation in a behaviour is influenced by nature
    • 1 = difference in behaviour is entirely down to genes
    • 0 = genes have no influence
  • What is the Interactionist approach towards Nature Vs Nurture?
    Does not make sense to separate nature and nurture as it is so hard to do so.
    Instead researchers study how they interact with eachother to influence our behaviour
  • What are three key ideas that the interactionists use when trying to explain?
    • Diathesis stress model
    • Neuroplasticity
    • Niche picking
  • Interactionist approach: Diathesis Stress model
    • Biological genes are only expressed if they are coupled with an environmental trigger
    • Used as an explanation for mental health problems
  • Interactionist approach: Diathesis stress model

    Pikka (2004):
    Found Finish adoptees with schizophrenia had a family history of disease as well as a dysfunctional relationship with their adoptive parents
  • Interactionist approach: Neuroplasticity
    Biological brain structures can change shape / function as a result of learning or experience
    E.g. HM study
  • Interactionist approach: Neuroplasticity
    Found London taxi drivers had more grey matter in their hippocampus which is responsible for memory of where things are
  • Interactionist approach: Niche picking
    As children grow older they seek out experiences that suit their genes
    E.g. shy people may choose shy friends to reinforce their shy nature
  • Limitation of using twin studies to separate Nature and Nurture:
    • Even though Twins are raised in the same environment they have different experiences
    • Confounding variables
    • Makes it hard to separate the influence of nature and nurture using twins
  • Limitation of Nativism:
    • Suggests genes control our behaviour and that the environment has little input
    • This has lead to controversy such as an attempt to link race and gender to intelligence and avocation for eugenics
  • Limitation of Empiricism:
    • Argue for 'Behaviour shaping'
    • Any behaviour can be changed by altering environmental conditions
    • In extreme terms can lead to a society which controls and manipulates its citizens
  • Strengths of the Interactionist approach:
    • Doesn't try to separate Nature and Nurture
    • More in depth
    • Acknowledges that the relationship between nature and nurture is complicated
    • Balanced
  • What does the Nature Vs Nurture debate focus on?
    The relative contributions of nature and nurture - to what extent does each affect our behaviour?