Action potential- electrical activity caused by depolarising event.
Synaptic transmission
In resting state the inside of the neurone is more negative
than the outside, when a neurone is activated by a stimulus
the inside becomes more positive -action potential. This
generates a wave of depolarisation down the axon creating
an electrical impulse
2) when the electrical impulse reaches the end of the neurone it triggers the release of neurotransmitters from vesicles
3) Once a neurotransmitter crosses a synaptic cleft it is taken up by the postsynaptic receptors
4) A chemical message is then converted back into an electrical impulse and sent along the neurone
Each neurotransmitter has a specific molecular structure that fits perfectly to the receptor.
Neurotransmitters have specific functions eg acetylcholine found at motor neurones meeting muscles (neuromuscular junction), when released they cause them to contract