Spanish Higher Phrases

Cards (37)

  • What does "Tener que + inf" mean in English?
    To have to
  • What does "Acabo de + inf" translate to?
    I have just + past participle
  • What does "Suelo + inf" mean?
    I usually
  • What does "Debes/Se debe + inf" indicate?
    You must
  • What does "Debería/Se debería + inf" mean?
    You should
  • What does "Siempre he querido + inf" translate to?
    I have always wanted to
  • What does "Siempre he soñado con + inf" mean?
    I have always dreamt of
  • What is the conditional phrase for "If it were possible"?
    Si fuera posible
  • How do you say "If I were the principal" in Spanish?
    Si fuera director/a
  • What does "Si tuviera la oportunidad" mean?
    If I had the chance
  • What does "Si ganara la lotería" translate to?
    If I won the lottery
  • What does "Si fuera rico/a" mean?
    If I were rich
  • What does "Si tuviera mucho dinero" translate to?

    If I had a lot of money
  • What does "Lo mejor es que..." mean?
    The best thing is that
  • What does "Lo peor es que..." translate to?
    The worst thing is that
  • What does "Lo bueno es que..." mean?
    The good thing is that
  • What does "Lo malo es que..." translate to?
    The bad thing is that
  • What does "Nunca me ha gustado + inf" mean?
    I have never liked to
  • What does "Puedes/Se puede + inf" indicate?
    You can
  • What does "Es importante que + subjuntivo" mean?
    It’s important that
  • What does "Es imprescindible que + subjuntivo" mean in English?
    It’s indispensable that
  • What does "Cuando se mayor, futuro" imply about future plans?
    It indicates a future intention when older
  • What does "Cuando tenga 18 años" translate to in English?
    When I’m 18, I will
  • What does the phrase "El español es pan comido" suggest about learning Spanish?
    It suggests that Spanish is easy to learn
  • What does "A nadie le gusta + inf" mean?

    Nobody likes to
  • What does "Me hace reír" express?
    It expresses that someone makes me laugh
  • What does "Me hace llorar" indicate?
    It indicates that someone makes me cry
  • What does "Me hace sentir + adj." imply?

    It implies that something makes me feel a certain way
  • How do you define "Un buen amigo/Una buena amiga es alguien que"?
    A good friend is somebody who...
  • What does "Pasárselo bomba" mean?
    To have a great time
  • What does "Lo paso bomba" express about the speaker's experience?
    It expresses that I have a great time
  • What does "Lo pasé bomba" indicate about a past experience?
    It indicates that I had a great time
  • What does "Lo pasaba bomba" refer to?

    It refers to having had a great time in the past
  • What does "Lo pasaré bomba" express about future plans?
    It expresses that I will have a great time
  • What does "Lo pasaría bomba" imply about hypothetical situations?

    It implies that I would have a great time
  • What does "Que yo recuerde" mean in English?
    That I remember
  • What are the key phrases related to having a good time in Spanish?
    • Pasárselo bomba: to have a great time
    • Lo paso bomba: I have a great time
    • Lo pasé bomba: I had a great time
    • Lo pasaba bomba: I used to have a great time
    • Lo pasaré bomba: I will have a great time
    • Lo pasaría bomba: I would have a great time