collecting data

Cards (6)

  • What are the differences between primary and secondary data?
    • Primary data: Original data collected by the researcher for the specific investigation
    • Secondary data: Information collected by someone else that already exists
  • What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative data?
    • Qualitative data: Expressed in words, descriptive
    • Quantitative data: Expressed numerically, numerical
  • What is the difference between collecting primary and secondary data?
    • Primary data: Collected specifically for the investigation by the researcher
    • Secondary data: Collected by someone else and already exists
  • What types of data can be collected in psychological research?
    • Quantitative data: Numerical data
    • Qualitative data: Descriptive data
    • Primary data
    • Secondary data
  • What is qualitative data?

    Data that is expressed in words
  • What is quantitative data?

    Data that is expressed numerically