Sampling techniques

Cards (21)

  • What is the target population in research?
    The people a sample is supposed to represent
  • What is a sample in research?
    A group used in research that represents a target population
  • What is a sampling technique?
    A method used for gathering the sample
  • What are the different sampling techniques mentioned in AQA A Level Psychology?
    • Random
    • Opportunity
    • Systematic
    • Stratified
    • Volunteer
  • How does random sampling work?
    Every person in the target population has a chance of being in the sample
  • What is an example of random sampling?

    All names of the target population are entered into a computer system to generate a sample list
  • What is a potential disadvantage of random sampling?
    The sample generated could be unrepresentative, such as all male
  • How does opportunity sampling work?

    The sample consists of people from the target population who are available
  • What is an example of opportunity sampling?

    The researcher approaches people and asks them to take part in a study
  • What is a disadvantage of opportunity sampling?
    The sample may not be representative of the target population
  • What is systematic sampling?
    A predetermined system is used to select participants, such as every fifth person
  • What is a potential advantage of systematic sampling?
    It is not affected by researcher bias or choice of participants
  • What is a potential disadvantage of systematic sampling?
    The sample may be unrepresentative if every Nth person has similar traits
  • What is stratified sampling?

    Subgroups within a population are identified and participants are obtained from each stratum in proportion to the target population
  • How would you create a stratified sample from a class of 20 students with 18 males and 2 females?
    A sample of 10 would need to consist of 9 males and 1 female
  • What is an advantage of stratified sampling?
    The sample is likely to be representative of the target population
  • What is a disadvantage of stratified sampling?
    Ensuring that the subgroups in the target population are all accurately identified is a difficult and time-consuming task
  • How does volunteer sampling work?
    Participants self-select to take part in a study by either volunteering when asked or by responding to an advert
  • What is an example of volunteer sampling?
    Responding to a poster in a café
  • What is an advantage of volunteer sampling?

    It is an easier and quicker method than random or stratified sampling
  • What is a disadvantage of volunteer sampling?
    The sample may not be representative, such as only unemployed people volunteering