
Cards (8)

  • Interference: Proactive
    Older memory disrupts newer memory
  • Interference theory
    Forgetting is due to information in LTM becoming confused with or disrupted by other information during coding, leading to inaccurate recall
  • Interference: Retroactive
    Newer memory disrupts older memory
  • Interference:worse when memories are similar
    in proactive interference stored info makes new info difficult to store
    in retroactive interference new info overwrites older memories which are similar
  • Interference: Effects of similarity
    McGeoch + McDonald
    experiment, participants were given a list of words to learn
    Once learnt, then given another lists to learn,
    which varied in terms of its similarity to the original.
    Found similar material had worst recall-given different material=recall higher
    shows interference strongest when memory similar
  • Strength of Interference : Support from real life
    • Baddeley + Hitch asked rugby players to recall the names of teams they had played so far
    • Accurate recall didn’t depend on how long ago the match was , was the number of games played in the meantime
    • Shows how interference can apply to some everyday situations
  • Limitation of interference : Artificial material
    • Stimulus material used often a list of words - different from what we remember in everyday life
    • E.g: in everyday life we remember ppls faces , names , bdays
    • Use of artificial material makes interference much more likely in the lab - not cause of everyday forgetting
  • Strength of interference : Support from real life studies
    • Baddeley + Hitch asked rugby players to recall names of teams they had played week by week
    • Accurate recall didn’t depend of how long ago the match took place , it depended on the number of game played in the mean time
    • Shows that interference explanations can apply to some everyday situations