Treating depression

Cards (5)

  • CBT
    Aim is for individual with depression to identify and challenge their negative thoughts and beliefs to prevent further negative thinking
    Therapist may also work to encourage the service user to be
    more active and engage in positive behaviour patterns and activities-Behavioural Activation.
  • REBT
    Ellis's rational emotive behaviour therapy
    Extends ABC model to ABCDE
    Dispute-challenge irrational beliefs
    Individual identify previous experiences and activating events, which resulted in irrational beliefs
    The therapist then uses rational confrontation to reduce negative cognitive and emotional symptoms of
    depression.such as:
    Empirical dispute:if there is evidence to support irrational beliefs
    Rational dispute:asking if the negative belief is logical or based
    on common sense
  • Strength of cognitive approach to treating depression
    research evidence
    E.g:March et al compared effects of CBT with antidepressants and a combo of the 2 in 327 adolescents
    After 36 weeks, 81% of the antidepressant group and CBT group had significantly improved, demonstrating the effectiveness of CBT in treating depression.
    However, 86% of the CBT with antidepressant group had significantly improved.
    This suggests that a
    combination of both treatments may be more effective.
  • Limitation of cognitive approach to treating depression
    Overemphasis on cognitions as the primary cause of depression.
    Some psychologists have criticised CBT for not taking into account other factors such as social circumstances which might contribute to a person's depression.
    E.g: someone suffering from domestic violence does not need to change their negative/irrational beliefs, but in fact needs to change their circumstances.
    So CBT would be inappropriate in these situations
  • Strength of cognitive approach to treating depression
    Success due to therapist-patient relationship
    E.g: Rosenzweig argued that it is the relationship which is of
    utmost importance in determining the success of a psychological therapy.
    Having someone to talk to may be the crucial component in having a positive outcome rather than the specific techniques
    This viewpoint becomes evident when comparison studies show very little difference between different methods of