week 1

Cards (76)

  • What is the order that includes the family Enterobacteriaceae?

    Order Enterobacterales
  • Which family includes the genera Salmonella, Escherichia, and Shigella?
    Family: Enterobacteriaceae
  • What is the genus associated with the family Yersiniaceae?
    Genus: Yersinia
  • What phylum do the Vibrionales belong to?
    Phylum: Proteobacteria
  • Which genera are included in the order Campylobacterales?
    Genera: Campylobacter, Helicobacter
  • What is the type genus of the family Vibrionaceae?

    Type genus: Vibrio
  • What are the general morphological characteristics of Vibrio species?
    They are Gram negative straight/curved rods.
  • What type of respiration do Vibrio species perform?
    They are facultative anaerobes.
  • What biochemical characteristic is most common among Vibrio species?
    Most are oxidase positive.
  • What is the G+C content and genome size of Vibrio species?
    G+C content is 47% with a genome size of 4-5 Mbp.
  • What is the optimum growth temperature for Vibrio species?
    Optimum growth is at 30-35 ˚C.
  • How do Vibrio species move?
    They are motile with a single polar flagella.
  • In what type of environments do Vibrio species thrive?
    They thrive in marine and brackish water above 15 ˚C.
  • What are the similarities between Vibrio species and members of Enterobacteriaceae?
    Both are gamma proteobacteria, Gram negative rods, and facultative anaerobes.
  • How many species are there in the Vibrio genus?
    There are over 50 species.
  • What are the three main species of Vibrio discussed?
    1. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus
  • What type of infections is V. cholerae primarily associated with?
    Waterborne infections.
  • What type of infections does V. parahaemolyticus cause?
    Food (shellfish) infections.
  • What type of infections is V. vulnificus associated with?
    Wound infections.
  • How many O antigen serogroups does V. cholerae have?
    Over 200 O antigen serogroups.
  • What is the nature of the disease caused by V. cholerae?
    It causes acute secretory diarrhoeal disease.
  • How many countries is cholera endemic to?
    50 countries.
  • What is the estimated number of individuals affected by cholera per year according to WHO?
    1. 5 million individuals.
  • What are the symptoms of V. cholerae infection?
    Early vomiting and painless loss of copious watery diarrhea.
  • What is the characteristic stool associated with V. cholerae infection?
    “Rice-water stool.”
  • What can happen without treatment for severe cholera?
    It can kill about half of infected individuals.
  • What are the steps during V. cholerae infection?
    1. Ingestion and passage through acidic stomach; 2. Colonisation of small intestine; 3. Production of CT; 4. Exit from host in mucus-associated aggregates.
  • What is the critical colonisation factor for V. cholerae?
    Toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP).
  • What is the role of cholera toxin (CT) in V. cholerae infection?

    It is responsible for secretory diarrhoea.
  • What are the main clinical symptoms of V. parahaemolyticus infection?
    Watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
  • What type of illness does V. parahaemolyticus typically cause?
    Typically a self-limiting illness.
  • What are the two main types of infections caused by V. parahaemolyticus?
    1. Enteritis (shellfish-borne infections) and B. Soft tissue infections/septicaemia.
  • What are the symptoms of soft tissue infections caused by V. parahaemolyticus?
    Swelling, pain, erythema, bullae, necrosis, and gangrene.
  • What are the symptoms of septicaemia caused by V. parahaemolyticus?
    Fever, hypotension, bullae, pain in lower extremities, tachycardia, and shock.
  • What are the virulence mechanisms of V. parahaemolyticus?
    Hemolysins and Type 3 secretion system (T3SS).
  • What does the Kanagawa phenotype indicate in V. parahaemolyticus?
    Bile triggers expression of T3SS2 genes.
  • What disease is associated with V. vulnificus?
    Wound infection and septicaemia.
  • How can V. vulnificus be contracted?
    Through exposure to seawater or raw oysters.
  • What is the estimated number of seafood-associated deaths in the USA caused by V. vulnificus?
    Responsible for over 95% of all seafood-associated deaths in the USA.
  • What are the virulence factors of V. vulnificus?
    Hemolysin, proteases, and capsule.