One sided relationship where one person may expend considerable emotional energy and time towards the other. Typically develop with celebrities.
What are the 3 levels of parasocial relationships?
Entertainment social
Intense personal
Borderline pathological
Entertainment Social
Least intense level of celebrity worship
Celebrities are viewed as sources of entertainment and gossip
Fuel for social interaction
Intense personal
Intermediate level which reflects a greater personal involvement in a parasocial relationship with the celebrity
Might have frequent obsessive thoughts and intense feelings about them
Borderline pathological
Strongest level of celebrity worship
Feeling uncontrollable fantasies and extreme behaviours
May include spending large sums of money on a celebrity related object
What are the 2 theories of parasocial relationships?
Attachment Theory of parasocial relationships
Absorption Addiction Model
Absorption Addiction Model
Deficiences people have in their own lives for example someone may have a low self esteem
Someone who has an entertainment social may have more intense involvements due to a stressful event
Allows them to escape reality
Has 2 components: Absorption and Addiction
Seeking fulfilment in celebrity worship motivates an individual to focus their attention a lot on the celebrity and become preoccupied and identify with them
Individual needs to increase their 'dose' in order to get satisfaction. Leads to more extreme behaviours and delusional thinking
AO3 Absorption Addiction: ResearchSupport
Research support for the absorption addiction model investigates the link between celebrityworship and bodyimage in males and females aged 14-16 years old
Females that reported an intense- personal parasocial relationship with female celebrities whose bodies they admired also reported to have a poor body image about themselves
Researchers believed this could be a precursor for the development of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa
Research has methodological issues with most studies relying on questionnaires to collect data which are subject to biases which can affect findings
PPs may respond to personal questions dishonestly (socialdesirabilitybias)
Most studies are correlational and any strong correlations found between celebrity worship and body image cannot be said to be caused by one or the other
Cannotestablishcause or effect
Raises questions about the validity of the absorption addiction model
AO3Parasocial Relationships: Real World Application
Research into parasocial relationships presents us with practical applications for the real world
It can help better understand stalkingbehaviour and develop effective therapies to address this such as CBT or psychotherapies
This can help reduce obsessive tendencies allowing them to lead more productive lives as well as increase safety for potential victims
Attachment Theory of parasocial relationships
Insecure resistant attachment are seen as most likely to form parasocial relationships as they have a need for close emotional relationships without risk of rejection
Through parasocial relationships a person can feel a close intimate bond with a celebrity without fear of rejection as the celebrity is unaware of this relationship
People with secure attachments have no need for this
Those who are insecure avoidant have issues of trust and therefore less likely to engage in behaviours that create intimacy to avoid pain and rejection entirely
3 properties of adult attachment in parasocial relationships
Proximity- are updated with the latest news of the celebrity
Secure base- the celebrity is their 'safe haven' where they can be themselves
Protest at disruption- Experience distress at loss of attachment figure
AO3 Attachment Theory: Research Support
Sample of 381 adults completed questionnaires about their attachment style and how they'd react if their favourite TV characters were taken off air
Research found that those expecting their characters to be removed anticipated negative emotions such as sadness and reactions were related to the intensity of their parasocial relationship with their favourite TV character and attachment style
Individuals look for attachment figures as a safe base and this can be seen as feature of many parasocial relationships with celebrities
AO3Parasocial Relationships: Gender Differences
There are gender differences in parasocial relationships which are not fully understood
Male pop groups and celebrities (Justin Bieber) the majority of fans tend to be young females however males tend to have an interest in male figures such as sports stars
The absorption addiction model may better explain male interests in parasocial relationships as they seek to “absorb” status from male figures
The attachment theory explanation may be better suited for females who find emotional comfort
AO3 Attachment Theory: Universal tendency
The attachment theory can explain why people all around the world may form parasocial relationships
People with insecure attachment types are more likely to form intense parasocial relationships with TV personalities which is true in both types of cultures