A strength of social learning theory is its practical application to real life aggression.
Its explanatory power can help us to understand why the James Bulger murder may have happened and gave us some great insights into how to prevent teenage violence.
Additionally, Stanley Kubrick withdrew his controversial film (A Clockwork Orange) in 1971 from British cinemas after a series of violent incidents based on people imitating scenes from the film.
weakness of slt
One limitation of social learning theory is that many studies have failed to find a link between violent films and crime.
Ulrich (2003) found no relationship between watching violent films and later criminality. They suggested that the strongest cause of violent behaviour is association with delinquent peer groups, where violence was both modelled and rewarded.
This suggests that social learning theory may not be able to explain criminality so it may lack explanatory power.
What is one strength of social learning theory (SLT)?
It acknowledges the role of other approaches in explaining human behaviour.