cognitive approach

Cards (7)

  • key assumptions
    • argues that internal mental processes can and should be studied scientifically
    • the cognitive approach investigated areas of human behaviour that were neglected by behaviourists such as memory, perception and thinking
    • cognitive psychologists study thoughts indirectly by making inferences about what's going on in people minds based on their behaviour.
  • theoretical models
    • to study internal processes they use theoretical models
    • the information processing approach suggests that information flows through the cognitive system in stages: input, storage and retrieval
  • computer models
    • the mind is compared to a computer suggesting there are similarities in way information is processed
    • these models use the concepts of a central processing unit (brain) the concept of coding and the use of stores to hold information
    • computational models of the mind have proved useful in the development of thinking machines
  • the role of the schema
    • cognitive processing can be affected by persons beliefs of expectations referred to as schema
    • packages of ideas and information developed through experience
    • schema acts as a mental framework for the interpretations of incoming information received by cognitive system
  • schema
    • enables us to process lots of information quickly
    • as we get older our schema become more detailed
    • born with simple motor schema for innate behaviours
  • schema
    • schema may also distort our interpretations of sensory information leading to perceptual error
  • the emergence of cognitive neuroscience
    cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of the influence of the brain structures on mental processes
    • in 1860s Broca identified how damage to an area of the frontal lobe could permanently impair speech production