the b adds a mark up percentage to the cost of the price to ensure profit on each sale.
adv: easy to calculate, reliable
disadv: high costs means high selling price, doesn't consider how much the customer is willing to pay
Competition Based Pricing
similar price to its competitors, you can charge more or less --> more customers are likely to pay after reviewing your competitors. more --> high quality products or good customer service over the competitors.
adv: won't loose customers to competitors on price
disadv: could make a loss if the price is too low.
Penetration Pricing
initially starts at a low price, and gradually increases over time
--> start up business, Ryan Air, Netflix, Disney plus
adv: attracts customers, may remain loyal after the price change
disadv: low profit, may not remain loyal
Price Skimming
initially starts high but gradually decreases,makes it seem more desirable, used when initial demand is expected to be high. eg, iPhone
adv: high price = more desirable = more profit
disadv: by the time it's reduced, they may be something more desirable on the market, may put off customers
Premium Pricing
always keep the prices hight, not everyone can afford it = more desirable, creates a life goal --> high end, luxury stores
adv: exclusive = high profit
disadv: if disposable income falls, customers may look for cheaper subsitutes
Predatory Pricing
price is set so low that competitors will not be able to compete, loss-making, not sustainable --> against the LAW
adv: can eliminate competition
disadv: may lose money and jeopardise success
Psychological Pricing
makes customers believe they are getting the best deal for their money. eg. 9.99 / free shipping
Influences - Technology
flexible prices eg. uber
in - product purchases
price comparison websites --> competition
as soon as new tech is released, the price of the older products must be reduced
Influences - Competition
release a new product
improve and existing product
improve its customer service
reduce its price
have a sale
Influences - Market Segments
some companies will target different customers with a different price