French(work places)

Cards (31)

  • What is the French word for "office"?
    Un bureau
  • What is the English translation of "hôpital"?
    A hospital
  • How do you say "school" in French?
    Un collège
  • What is the English word for "garage"?
    A garage (cars)
  • What is the French term for "shop"?
    Un magasin
  • What does "commissariat" translate to in English?
    A police station
  • How do you say "restaurant" in French?
    Un restaurant
  • What is the English translation of "supermarché"?
    A supermarket
  • What is the French word for "hotel"?
    Un hôtel
  • What does "usine" mean in English?
    A factory
  • How do you say "farm" in French?
    Une ferme
  • What is the English translation of "boulangerie"?
    A bakery
  • What is the French term for "library"?
    Une bibliothèque
  • What does "cabinet médical" translate to in English?
    A doctor's surgery
  • How do you say "pharmacy" in French?
    Une pharmacie
  • What is the English word for "gymnase"?
    A gym
  • What does "salon de coiffure" mean in English?
    A hairdressers
  • How do you say "beauty salon" in French?
    Un salon de beauté
  • What is the English translation of "labo"?
    A laboratory
  • What does "chantier" mean in English?
    A building site
  • How do you say "company" in French?
    Une entreprise
  • What is the English translation of "poste"?
    A post office
  • What does "salle d'audience" mean in English?
    A courtroom
  • How do you say "London" in French?
    À Londres
  • What is the French phrase for "Paris"?
    À Paris
  • How do you say "at home" in French?
    À la maison
  • What is the French phrase for "he works"?
    Il travaille
  • How do you say "she works" in French?
    Elle travaille
  • What is the difference between "Il travaille" and "Elle travaille"?
    "Il travaille" means "He works" and "Elle travaille" means "She works"
  • What is the English translation of "Il travaille"?
    He works
  • What does "Elle travaille" translate to in English?
    She works