multi store model

Cards (11)

  • All stimuli from the environment pass into the sensory register.
  • Information passes further into the memory system only if you pay attention to it.
  • Echoic for auditory, iconic for sight, haptic for touch, olfactory for smell, and gustatory for taste.
  • STM is coded mainly acoustically (Baddeley) and lasts about 18 seconds (Peterson) unless it is rehearsed, so STM is more of a temporary store.
  • STM is a limited capacity store, because it can only contain a certain number of 'things' before forgetting occurs.
  • Maintenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat material ourselves over and over again.
  • 7Sensory register, short-term store, and long-term store are the three main components of the Multi-Store Model of memory.
  • According to Atkinson & Shiffrin, memory is a linear process where information is processed by the senses, then transferred to short-term memory if attended to, and finally rehearsed into long-term memory.
  • In the MSM if information is rehearsed it passes from short-term into long-term memory.
  • LTM is described as being semantically encoded, having an unlimited capacity and a very long duration (Bahrick).
  • In order to remember information, ‘retrieval’ must occur, which is when information is transferred back into the STM, and will continue to pass through the maintenance loop afterwards.