Family diversity

Cards (12)

  • Functionalist: believe in the nuclear family due to socialisation of children into the norms and values of society
  • New right: political theory agree with the nuclear family as other types of family’s Cannot socialise children into there “correct” gender roles and rely on welfare state
  • New right: permissive society (no rules and regulation)
  • Post modernism argue that we should have individualism and choice as there’s no meta narrative
  • Meta narrative is one story that explains everything
  • The PLP: argues the meanings and understanding of people is more important
  • There are different types of families eg chosen, blended, single parent families and nuclear
  • There are two type of extended families: classic where the family live together and modified where the family do not live together
  • Divorce law reformat wss created in 1969
  • Equal pay act was created in 1970
  • Feminisation of the workforce where women became more involved in work
  • Things that effect diversity in families: life expectancy, mirgation, laws