descriptive statistics

Cards (10)

  • what are the 3 measures of central tendency
    mean, median, mode
  • what is the mean
    add up all results and then divide them by the number of results there were. the average of the group
  • advantages of the mean
    you dont have to put the data in order, mean is a very descriptive value
  • disadvantages of the mean
    may end up with a decimal number. can be skewed due to an outlier
  • what is the median
    order all results from smallest to largest and find the middle number
  • advantages of the median
    not affected by one outlier, combined with mean it can be a very descriptive tool
  • disadvantages of the median
    must put the number in order of smallest to largest, the way you find the mean differs depending on how many numbers in group
  • what is the mode
    the most common
  • advantages of the mode
    you dont have to put the data in order, no calculations necessary
  • disadvantages of the mode
    is possible to have no mode, one mode or many, not great description of data